Our Young Women's Studio hosts girls ages 12-17. If that's you, come develop your talents in a supportive, engaging environment. Here, you'll explore your passions, learn practical skills, and take on responsibilities that prepare you to master life, not just school.
Everything is an expression of God‘s heart. Everything means something. All creation sings. The heavens declare. The stars dance. Life itself is a story, a song, a dance. Living is a type of art and living life well is beautiful. It is up to us to form the passions and feed the soul by training the senses to see the rich goodness of the world. The more time you waste, the less time you have to acquire knowledge and to learn something useful.
Empowering Academics
If you want to change the world, first change yourself. By truly learning to think, speak, and write you’ll become powerful beyond belief. You will be able to defend your decisions. You'll be able to convince others to take a chance on your ideas. You become more than you are.
Strenuous Life
We get by with less. You learn to appreciate hardship. You'll find there are things far more valuable than comfort and leisure as you become strong in body, sound in mind, and pure in heart. Physical, mental, and moral toughness make you more useful to others.
In our Young Women's studio you're among other like-minded women who want to better themselves for the life of the world. We are all in this journey together, supporting and uplifting each other.
We expect more than just academic success. A good man is not defined by what he doesn't do. Rather, he is faithful when society is compromised. He is hopeful in times of despair. And he lives sacrificially in a world fixated on the self. He figures out how to handle any situation. He is not intimidated when he walks into a room. He adds value to his family and community.
A day in the Young Women's Program is a microcosm of life.
We don't sit around all day. Students take ownership of the classroom. Learning is project-driven. Socratic conversations are a major component. We also emphasize character formation and ensure our young women get out and experience nature.
Our men and women live by a simple code. The expectations are clear, and students hold each other to these standards.
We exercise the body, inform the conscience, and discipline the mind. We don’t sit around all day, we get out and do things. We are makers, doers, and creators.
It is important to pass along our faith. We help your child see that God is the structure of reality and that the scriptures are a picture of how the world actually is.
The world needs God-fearing women who exude wisdom, courage, and competence. We foster strong bodies, sound minds, and pure hearts; things far more valuable than comfort or leisure.
Parents deserve to have an accomplished professional who shares their values instructing their children. The teacher should be responsive to parents, not special interests.
An Inspired Directress Who is Co-curious and models High character
We prioritize character and competence over credentials. It's not necessary to know everything. We prefer individuals who are co-curious, meaning those willing to dive in and learn alongside our young women. It’s all about the process of learning and growth. Character matters above everything. Our coaches are there to model character and conviction.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to
have tried to succeed.”
“Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King”